Lavender & Lilacs Florist
Open House
We invite you to join us for
the Sights, Sounds and
Scents of Christmas & the Holidays!
Drop in
from 9am-5pm, Wednesday,
November 26th, 2008
Don't forget to bring your business card
and enter our popular Holiday Draw.
Enjoy a seasonal beverage and refreshments,
music, flowers & gifts.
Exceptional savings with 10% off all purchases
made during our Open House.
We look forward to seeing you all!!
Open House
We invite you to join us for
the Sights, Sounds and
Scents of Christmas & the Holidays!
Drop in
from 9am-5pm, Wednesday,
November 26th, 2008
Don't forget to bring your business card
and enter our popular Holiday Draw.
Enjoy a seasonal beverage and refreshments,
music, flowers & gifts.
Exceptional savings with 10% off all purchases
made during our Open House.
We look forward to seeing you all!!