Cool Stuff = Flowers to wear
Monday, May 17, 2010
Cool Stuff = Flowers to wear
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Administrative Professional Week
Are you curious about how this holiday started??(well, it is "non-official" holiday but......)Here's the history for you.....Harry F Klemfuss, a New York publicist along with the National Secretary association in the year 1952 created the National Secretary's week so as to appreciate the work of secretaries and encourage more people into the profession. The National secretary week was held on the first week of June from June1 to 7 and June 4th was celebrated as the secretary day. Three years later in 1955, the observance of the week was moved to the last full week of April and the Wednesday in the week was decided as the secretary day. The name of the week has been changed twice; in 1981 it came to be called the Professional Secretary Week and in the year 2000 it got named the Administrative Professional Week as it is called up to the day. The change in name was to encompass the expanding responsibility and titles associated with the role of professional support staff.