Monday, December 21, 2009
Season's Greeting from L&L
Thank you all for joining
our annual Holiday Open House
on Wednesday, November 18th,
it was very successful.
Congratulations, three ladies
from BFL Canada who
won our prize draw!!
The 1st place Gift Certificate
The 2nd place Holiday Centerpiece
The 3rd place Lothantique
Spa Gift Basket
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
(October 20 - 27)
Isn't it beautiful to see all the leaves
changing colours! Yes, Autumn is here.
We have the perfect flowers to brighten you day!
You have choices of
****Gerbera Bouquet****
$9.99 (+ GST&PST)
Pick your favorite colours of Gerbera Daisy (3 stems) and
we will dress them up for you!
****Calla Lily Bouquet****
$9.99(+ GST&PST)
3 Calla Lilies and simple foliage will make
an elegant bouquet
Both Gerbera Daisies and Calla Lilies are long
lasting flowers. If you add a drop of
bleach into the water, that will reduce the bacteria
growth, so they will last even longer!
Be careful not to add too much bleach,
you could kill the flower...just a drop!
And we are pleased to announce
is coming up! Mark your calender,
it's Wednesday, November 4th,
Watch for the details on the next blog!!
Happy Autumn!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Put a smile on your face
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
We have beautiful
Succulents for
They are perfect for
outside patios, bright
rooms, or offices.
The good news is
they don't require
much watering(!!)
It will also be the best
gift for your collegues,
especially for those
who are not good at keeping
live plants alive....!?
Assorted 4" Succulents
in white ceramic cube
containers give a fresh
modern look.
Your choice of .......
One Succulent in a cube
for $11.95
Three Succulents in
individual cubes
for $29.99
(Sale ends Aug 31 or
while quantities last)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
20% OFF
at L&L!!
(This offer ends on August 14th)
And all summer cut flowers are available
at very affordable prices......such as
Sunflowers, Kniphofia(Fire torch),
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
All Tropical Green Plants 20% Off
Having Green Plants
around you is
a good thing!
All Tropical Green Plants
20% off (July21-28)
In addition we will extend our special offer;
get $1.00 off on purchasing
RainGrow (Organic Fertilizer)
with your Tropical Plants!!
Here is an interesting study from
a university in North America:
"NASA has been researching methods
of cleansing the atmosphere in future
space stations to keep them fit for
human habitation over extended periods
of time.
They've found that many common
houseplants and blooming potted
plants help fight pollution indoors!
They're reportedly able to scrub
significant amounts of harmful gases
out of the air, through the everyday
processes of photosynthesis.
Some pollutants are also absorbed
and rendered harmless in the soil.
Plant physiologists already knew
that plants absorb carbon dioxide
and release oxygen as part of the
photosynthetic process.
Now researchers have found many
common houseplants absorb benzene,
formaldehyde and trichloroethylene,
as well. But there are enough known
plants that do a good job of removing
pollutants from the air we breathe
to cause us to view houseplants as
more than just an attractive feature
in decorating the interior environment.
These are three of the worst offenders
found in relatively new homes and offices.
Newer buildings are constructed largely
with man-made building materials and
furnished with synthetic carpeting,
fabrics, laminated counters, plastic coated
wallpaper, and other materials known to
"off-gas" pollutants into the interior
The advent of the "energy crisis"
a number of years back has increased
the problems associated with indoor
pollutants. Newly constructed buildings
are better insulated and sealed tightly
to conserve heat or air-conditioning.
While it does save both money and
energy, this new found efficiency has
its downside in that pollutants may
be trapped indoors and have less
opportunity to dissipate to the
The phrase coined to describe this
unfortunate result is "sick building
syndrome." If your home is old
enough to be leaky and drafty, you
may not need to worry about
"sick-building syndrome." But if you
live in a newer, energy-efficient home
with windows and doors tightly sealed,
or you work in a building where the air
feels stale and circulation seems poor,
the liberal use of houseplants seems
like an easy way to help make a dent
in the problem.
NASA scientists studied nineteen
different plant species for two years.
Of the specimens studied, only two
were primarily flowering plants;
chrysanthemums and gerbera daisies.
Though commonly used to bring a
touch of color indoors, particularly for
holidays and special occasions, these plants
are generally not kept indoors very long.
After they're through blooming they're
usually discarded or planted outdoors.
Most of the plants tested are "true"
houseplants, kept indoors year-round
in our climate, though they may be
placed outdoors during warm summer
Because of this, their leaf composition
allows them to photosynthesize efficiently
under relatively low light conditions, which
in turn allows them to process gasses
in the air efficiently. Soil and roots were
also found to play an important role in
removing air-borne pollutants.
Micro-organisms in the soil become more
adept at using trace amounts of these
materials as a food source, as they were
exposed to them for longer periods of time.
Their effectiveness is increased if lower l
eaves that cover the soil surface are removed,
so there is as much soil contact with the air
as possible. Best results were obtained with
small fans that pulled air through a charcoal
filter in the soil, cleaning more than foliage
could alone or in combination with a "passive"
pot of soil. Even without the fan and filter,
however, houseplants did remove trace
pollutants from the air.
The NASA studies generated the
recommendation that you use 15 to 18
good-sized houseplants in 6 to 8-inch
diameter containers to improve air quality
in an average 1,800 square foot house.
The more vigorously they grow, the better
job they'll do for you. With the exception of
dwarf banana, a fairly unusual plant in this
area, the bulk of the list of plants NASA tested
reads like a "Who's Who" of the interior
plant world.
They are:
Ficus benjamina(Weeping fig)
Hedera helix English ivy
Chlorophytum comosum spider plant
Epipiremnum aureum golden pothos
Spathiphyllum `Mauna Loa' peace lily
Aglaonema modestum Chinese evergreen
Chamaedorea sefritzii bamboo or reed palm
Sansevieria trifasciata snake plant
Philodendron scandens `oxycardium' heartleaf philodendron
Philodendron selloum selloum philodendron
Philodendron domesticum elephant ear philodendron
Dracaena marginata red-edged dracaena
Dracaena fragrans `Massangeana' cornstalk dracaena
Dracaena deremensis `Janet Craig' Janet Craig dracaena
Dracaena deremensis `Warneckii' Warneck dracaena
Ficus benjamina weeping fig
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Our feature flower July 8~12 is
Pronounced: fayl-eh-NOP-sis
"Phal" for short.
Moth orchids are the most popular
orchids and are very easy to grow in
most homes.
L&L is happy to feature these Pretty Phal Orchids
as Our Weekly Special;
$24.95 (plus GST & PST)
Size: "6 pot,, Multi-spikes's already
dressed up for you with Colourful Rice Paper & Cello,
It's perfect for birthdays, house warmings,
hostess gifts or just because....
When you purchase a Phal Orchid during
the featured week, please also ask for
Organic Fertilizers: RainGrow 4-2-3
You will receive $1.00 off from our regular price
of $5.95.
RainGrow Organic Fertilizer 4-2-3
Did you know that we are only
one of 2 stores in downtown
Vancouver where you can
purchase these great
all purpose Organic Fertilizers.?
We have been using RainGrow 4-2-3 on
our Weekly Plant Maintenance
and getting remarkable results.
Let us introduce you to RainGrow
Here are some great tips how-to-grow PHAL!
l Water when medium has begun to dry but is still damp.
l Water thoroughly, make sure it’s not sitting in the water.
l Use room temperature or warmer water.
l Avoid leaving water standing in the crown of the plant
as this causes fatal rot.
l Fertilize “Weakly & Weekly” with a balanced fertilizer
such as Raingrow Organic Fertilizer, in spring & summer
then reduce in autumn and winter.
l Low to medium light levels is appropriate.
l Leaves should be a medium green, not yellowish or
dark green. A dark red blush covering the top of the
leaves means too much light. One to two hours of
sunshine on a windowsill (East recommended).
Humidity & Temperature :
l Phal do best with 60-70% humidity, but will grow and bloom,
although more slowly and with fewer and smaller flowers,
in lower humidity. Grow Phal in warm temperatures with 18°C
minimum winter nights (except if forcing flowering) and 32°C
summer day maximum.
l Ensure 6-12°C day/night difference to aid flower formation.
Moth orchids usually bloom annually and the flowers last for
several months!
l If buds turning yellow, wilting and falling prior to opening is
from not enough energy in the plant to open the flower either
because the light is too dim, the plant is too small, or the roots
have rotted. Also caused by ethylene gas (produced by
ripening fruit), or too great a temperature variation.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Zantedeschia...named after
Italian botanist,
Giovanni Zantedeschi(1773-1846)
or well known as "Calla Lily"
It has continued to be a favorite flower of Brides
for many decades, yet never
fades in elegance.
We are excited to feature "Miniature Calla Lilies" for
our special this week! Just the right size for
your desk or to brighten up your day....
$6.95 for 5 stems
We would be happy to design them
in a clear cylinder vase for an additional
$8.00 for those who are looking for
a nice gift for someone.
Have a great summer week!
Did you know...we wrap our bouquets with Biodegradable
cellophane and paper for take home bunches, we care
about our planet.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Hope you've been enjoying
hot summer days!
The study says, having flowers or
plants in your office will reduce
stress and make your colleagues
smily, too. Why not brighten up
your day even more with flowers.
Our Weekly Special this week is Girl's favorite;
Mini Gerbera Daisy
Only $5.95 for a bunch (10 stems)
Here are some florist tips for Gerbera Daisy
1) Always use clean/sanitized vase
2) No Floralife (flower food) needed
3) A small drop of Bleach in the water
will reduce bacteria growth
4) Recut a stem when you arrange
or change water
Most importantly.....Enjoy:)
Email this to your friends? Please attach this link
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
like to recommend.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Fun & Cute !!
L&L Weekly Specials
For $5.95 each
These colouful 4 inch cubes are
just perfect for your desk......
plant your favorite tropical plants,
lucky bamboos with river rocks
or simply enjoy fresh flowers.
(Our popular $5.00 posy bouquet fits in just perfectly)
Not only for the office, but for your home
as well. Collect all colours and create
your own dinning table arrangements with
flowers and candles or planting herbs in the kitchen....
As you've seen in magazines, repetition is the key
to interior decor. Possibilities are endless!!
Great tips to enjoy fresh flowers longer
1) Pick freshest, not too open, lots of buds.
2) Recut stems and use clean vases
3) Place floral arrangements in shady spot and
away from Fruits to avoid ethylene gas
4) Change water every 2~3days
Great plant care tips
1) Pick healthy plant, examine & make sure no bugs!
2) Water regularly, some plants need to be dry out
between watering. If you are not sure, ask us for
proper care.
3) Cut unwanted leaves off, such as yellowed or browned.
4) Fertilize regularly, preferbly Organic Fertilizers such as
Raingrow, to increase plants natural healling power
and make plants stronger & healthy.
5) Repot every 2~3years to so plants get more nutrience,
air and hold moisture for roots.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Peonies! Peonies! Peonies!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Come on in & Check it out
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Valentine's Day Gift Ideas
Valentine's day is Saturday,