Thursday, July 2, 2009

Our feature flower July 8~12 is


Pronounced: fayl-eh-NOP-sis

"Phal" for short.

Moth orchids are the most popular

orchids and are very easy to grow in

most homes.

L&L is happy to feature these Pretty Phal Orchids

as Our Weekly Special;

$24.95 (plus GST & PST)

Size: "6 pot,, Multi-spikes's already

dressed up for you with Colourful Rice Paper & Cello,

It's perfect for birthdays, house warmings,

hostess gifts or just because....

When you purchase a Phal Orchid during

the featured week, please also ask for

Organic Fertilizers: RainGrow 4-2-3

You will receive $1.00 off from our regular price

of $5.95.

RainGrow Organic Fertilizer 4-2-3

Did you know that we are only

one of 2 stores in downtown

Vancouver where you can

purchase these great

all purpose Organic Fertilizers.?

We have been using RainGrow 4-2-3 on

our Weekly Plant Maintenance

and getting remarkable results.

Let us introduce you to RainGrow

RainGrow 4-2-3 is an all purpose plant food processed
from concentrated
compost emulsion utilizing key nutrients
extracted from organic poultry
emulsion(!!) and natural plant
components resulting in a highly effective,
pleasant and easy to use product. It is proven effective for
both houseplants and yard and garden plants making it
versatile & convenient.
It contains all 3 of the most important macronutrients for plant
growth and health, namely, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
It also contains small amounts of Eucalyptus and Tea Tree extracts
which act as natural preservatives and has the added benefit of
giving the product a great smell making it pleasant for indoor use.
Saponins result in slight forming of the product which is normal.

Learn more about this product? Please visit

Here are some great tips how-to-grow PHAL!


l Water when medium has begun to dry but is still damp.

l Water thoroughly, make sure it’s not sitting in the water.

l Use room temperature or warmer water.

l Avoid leaving water standing in the crown of the plant

as this causes fatal rot.

l Fertilize “Weakly & Weekly” with a balanced fertilizer

such as Raingrow Organic Fertilizer, in spring & summer

then reduce in autumn and winter.


l Low to medium light levels is appropriate.

l Leaves should be a medium green, not yellowish or

dark green. A dark red blush covering the top of the

leaves means too much light. One to two hours of

sunshine on a windowsill (East recommended).

Humidity & Temperature :

l Phal do best with 60-70% humidity, but will grow and bloom,

although more slowly and with fewer and smaller flowers,

in lower humidity. Grow Phal in warm temperatures with 18°C

minimum winter nights (except if forcing flowering) and 32°C

summer day maximum.

l Ensure 6-12°C day/night difference to aid flower formation.

Moth orchids usually bloom annually and the flowers last for

several months!

l If buds turning yellow, wilting and falling prior to opening is

from not enough energy in the plant to open the flower either

because the light is too dim, the plant is too small, or the roots

have rotted. Also caused by ethylene gas (produced by

ripening fruit), or too great a temperature variation.

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